"All Thoughts, all passions, all delights."

The Wedding of Prince George and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon 26th April, 1923.

The Coronation, 12th May, 1937 of George VI and Queen Elizabeth, photographed with Queen Mary, Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret .
George VI and Elizabeth were crowned King and Queen of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions, and Emperor and Empress of India on 12 May, 1937, the date already nominated for the coronation of Edward VIII. Elizabeth's crown was made of platinum and was set with the Koh-i-Noor diamond.

Princess Elizabeth.

The Wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark 20th November, 1947.

Elizabeth of York 1466 – 1503 She was the daughter of Edward IV, niece of Richard III and married the king following Henry's victory at the Battle of Bosworth, The War of the Roses. She was the mother of Henry VIII and grandmother to his children Edward VI, Mary I, and Elizabeth I.
The salaries of world leaders.
America, Barack Obama , £267,000 ($400,000)
Canada, Stephen Harper, £173.136 ($260.000)
Germany, Angela Merkel, £155.834 ($234,383)
South Africa, Jacob Zuma, £148.576 ($223,500)
United Kingdom, David Cameron, £142,500 ($214,782)
This includes his salary as a member of parliament, which is £67,060.
Japan, Shinzo Abe, £134.984 ($202.700)
France, Francois Hollande, £129.539 ($194.300)
The French president took a 30% pay cut the moment he took office in 2012.
Russia, Vladimir Putin, £90.687 ($136,00)
Due to the economic crisis, Putin said last week he was cutting his salary by 10% to $136,000.
Italy, Matteo Renzi, £82.670 ($124,600)
Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, £80.052 ($120,000)
India, Narendra Modi, £20.017 ($30,300)
China, Xi Jinping, £14.679 ($22,000)
Xi Jinping received a 60% pay rise at the start of this year.
The ten richest people from Forbes magazine's annual ranking of global billionaires 2015.
1. Bill Gates $79.2bn (Microsoft)
2. Carlos Slim Helu $77.1bn (Phones and construction in Mexico)
3. Warren Buffett $72.7bn (Global investor)
4. Amancio Ortega $64.5bn (Zara and other fashion chains)
5. Larry Ellison $54.3bn (Oracle data storage technology)
6. Charles Koch $42.9bn (Industrialist)
7. David H. Koch $42.9bn (Industrialist)
8. Christy Walton $41.7bn (Walmart retail giant)
9. Jim Walton $40.6bn (Walmart retail giant)
10. Liliane Bettencourt $40.1bn (L'Oreal cosmetics firm)