The super rich should be using their money to improve the lives of the long suffering British public this is our country and if you want the privilege of living here wallowing in the good life and our goodwill you should be helping rebuild our lives by contributing to society, and taking the burden off the middle class tax payers. No we don't want more luxury homes built for the idle rich. As for the government you have created this situation now do something about it. The rest of us have been happy to laugh at the farce that is London. We don't want your ideology permeating into the rest of our country. You politicians, you forget who you are, you have been put into a privileged position by the British people and you are pandering to the rich and corporations. Yes, keep your favoured super rich in London. We don't want their influence on our society. What the British people need is opportunity, good jobs and starter homes for young people, homes that can be improved as their family grows, no they don't want to rent why should they put their well earned money into the hands of the already rich greedy landlords. Let everyone have the chance of a decent good life. Don't segregate children at five years old into the ones who will have a good life and the ones who will serve. Every person deserves respect for the work they do. Frankly we are sick of eating cake and a guillotine on the lawn of the Tower of London seems like an option.
The Super Rich Episode I
The Super Rich Episode II